Independent Avon and Passion Parties consultant

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Passions by Yani

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Penis!

The average size of an erect penis is five inches, and the average flaccid penis measures about 3 inches.

An erection, or penile erection, is a physiological phenomenon where the human penis becomes firmer, engorged and enlarged. Penile erection is the result of a complex interaction of psychological, neural, vascular and endocrine factors, and is usually, though not exclusively, associated with sexual arousal or sexual attraction. The angle of an erect penis varies from pointing downwards, upwards or sideways, and the penis may also bend.
Erections during sleep or when waking up are known as nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT). A penis which is partly, but not fully, erect is sometimes known as a semi-erection; a penis which is not erect is typically referred to as being flaccid, or soft.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Blue balls are for real....

The discomfort is caused when more blood flows into the penis than out. The uneven blood flow causes an increase in the volume of blood trapped in the genitals and contributes to the penis becoming erect and the testicles becoming engorged with blood.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Pure Satisfaction

Passion Parties crown jewel product is our Pure Satisfaction Gel.  This little miracle bottle of gel is like vitamins for the clitoris ladies!  Yes, I said clitoris!  With peppermint oil it gives you a tingle in exactly the right spot!  Within minutes of putting this gel on, you will feel it tingle, you will feel it warm you, then cool you and it will make you WANT TO HAVE SEX!!! Discover for yourself why Pure Satisfaction is our #1 selling product. Our exclusive UniSEX Enhancement Gel is a safe, aloe vera based topical gel enriched with a blend of natural ingredients including L-arginine (an amino acid known to promote and enhance clitoral and penile sensitivity and arousal). This gentle stimulant was scientifically formulated for use by both men and women. It often results in enhanced sensitivity and greater potential for even more sexual fulfillment and increased pleasure.

Shop with me and save! Use coupon code: SAVE10 at checkout.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Ultimate Girls Night In!

Passion Parties are so much fun!!! You'll laugh and learn all night long. Book your party with me! Passion Parties are both fun and free. As a hostess you will be rewarded with shopping credit and free products. It's the ultimate girls night in! Contact Yani 561-398-4109 / /

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sexy Insider fact of the day!

Things that make you go hmmm. Sprem IS actually good for the skin!

The proteins in sperm have a tightening effect on the skin. When sperm is left to dry, the evaporation of the water in it leaves behind protein which can help to reduce wrinkles. While this may be an excellent anti-aging treatment, the obvious downside is that you have to walk around with sperm on your face.

Ummm 'cum' again? I think i'll personally stick to my Avon facial products for now ;) Although I know my hubby would be more than happy to give me free at home 'facials'. I rather keep paying for the stuff that comes in a jar.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pumpkin Pie for my honey!

Did you know that the #1 smell to turn men on is a combination of pumpkin pie and lavender? The spicy smell combo is shown to increase male penile blood flow by 40%.